“The Big Game”

“The Big Game”

This writing exercise begins on a quiet Sunday evening, February 9, 2025, at 9:PM with my observation of the “big game,” the ‘big game’ being the lopsided scoring one that has been played since inauguration day between the DNC JV-Fecklers and the GOP Pro-Brobigots. Sadly, so far, the box score stats are not even close (signing onto the faux Laken Riley Act early in the 1st quarter was not a promising sign). As a former high school principal, I remember a rule many school districts follow. This rule is primarily in place to protect the emotional well-being of young people. After all, the purpose of varsity sports is to foster character development, physical fitness, leadership skills, and teamwork and not serve as a source of despair and participation discouragement. Therefore, in any junior varsity or varsity sports competition, if one team significantly “runs up the score” to the point where the other team has no chance of coming back, the game is mercifully ended. The high-scoring team is declared the official winner, even if the game has not reached its scheduled conclusion in terms of innings, quarters/periods, or time on the clock. The principal part of me wants to call an end to this ugly political mismatched game our nation is suffering from and then, just award the GOP Pro-Brobigots the “National Hegemony” championship trophy. But the principled part of me says,

Facts—many are, will
suffer, die for DEI lies
and cold callous acts.

Too many can’t feel
legal protection, love and
simple compassion.

Many othered by
legislation, dismissed and
targeted by class.

But I won’t sit tight
watching the left out least lose
all their human rights.

And the game isn’t quite
over as long as there are
brave bold acts in play.

(I guess, one question:
will black folks still save the day?
methinks that’s a yes!)

Some kinships are built
to carry love even in
a sea of hatred.