O’ America, your colors are showing.
(read in the iambic spirit and tone of cousin Canada’s Great National Anthem)
O’ Canada—Your Maple colored banner stood tall in the sun, your brave soldiers have died at the side of every soldiering US son.
O’ China—The sad Yellow Peril restoration, making the fearing of the rise of non-white nations endearing to racist inclinations.
O’ People of Gaza—These people, daily bludgeoned into a corporate Dizzyingland of ethnic cleansing on a red bloodied blue sea.
O’ Greenland—Souls white out of history, a move right out of the history of colonial exploitation, “We’ll take it, because we can!”
O’ Mexico—Brownlisted, a down-listed neighbor who is only ripe for kitchen exploitation and working modern salad plantations.
O’ Ukraine—Blackmailed into selling parts of themselves for existing, but their memories are waiting for the eventual last turn.
O’ Africa—Un-USaided in your grey grief of diseases and hunger caused by the colonial exploitation of present-day benefactors.
O’ Europe—Golden opportunities lost, resisting a loss of compassion for your former exploitees, now bend the knee to tariff’s fees.
O’ Putinistic Russia—Thank you new friend, for making it possible for the first orange U.S. president to receive the Order of Lenin.
O’ Rainbow Colors of Pride—A stoning at a wall of exclusionary discrimination, an enmity for anyone who dares to have affirmation dignity.
O’ Mother Earth—The four sacred Navajo colors of black, white, blue, and yellow, once displayed our love for you, are no more.
O’ Big Beautiful Opaque Mostly Hurting White Folks GOP Bill—Built to bully those who are sick, poor, the young and our elderly.
O’ US Black Folks—Dying by the lying about anti-DEI not being about venal denying equality, safety, civil unity and opportunity.
O’ Cowards—sharing shady off-green cash, the fear of losing access, “they’re hurting them not me,” until it’s your turn at suffering.
O’ America, what happened to you?
your innards are showing,
and you were doing so well,
evolving up the spinal cord of history, growing out of early mammalian wisdom-less instincts,
resistingly but persistently leaving the brute gruntings of capital-not-people misthinks aside,
slowing the bare knuckle walking backwards into incivility, did the civil war lessons not take?
but now we see you hopelessly descending into the colorless watery sea endings of all empires,
perhaps this end was inevitable—after all—all of those great roads did lead to Rome—and, the end
did start after the Third Reich with overreaching thinking they could easily take down Stalingrad.
that’s it isn’t it? the arrogance—the ignorance—the distaining disregard for history—the unseen reality.
O’ America, what happen to you to forgo your diversity strength?
why color inside the lines of weakness, the unsound seeking of less than what is needed to thrive.
For the white colored sections of the flag have overtaken and forsaken the shed red and blue sky colors of great promise.