Cell Phones in Schools Operational Follow-up: As a profession, how many bad policy historical experiences do we need?


Yes, there have been many instances where some student somewhere, in some classroom, has used a pencil, pen or a computer in an unintended, not so good, and perhaps, even in a dangerous way, should we then ban those writing and educational instruments from schools? Continue reading

The issue isn’t cell phones in public schools; the problem is the many academically unchallenged and learning underserved students in these institutions.


“…If we can’t get more interested and capable students successfully into and through the STEM college major and career gatekeeper course of Algebra 1, then that student having or not having a cell phone won’t matter.” Continue reading

Summer Academic Enrichment Programs 2025


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Summer Academic Enrichment Programs 2025 Summer Academic Enrichment Programs 3. Howard University – High School Summer Enrichment Programs (Early Application deadline March 1st , 2025) Sunday July 13th 2025 – Friday July 18th 2025 Howard University’s School of Business Summer … Continue reading

The Republican dismantling of the Department of Education requires a more effective explanation from the Democratic Party.


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Readers-to-Leaders, just one of many dynamically successful USDOE Title-I Supported Programs! The Republican dismantling of the Department of Education (USDOE) requires a more effective explanation from the Democratic Party. To the Democratic Party Political Leaders: Please keep your “they’re eliminating … Continue reading

O’ America, your colors are showing.


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O’ America, your colors are showing. (read in the iambic spirit and tone of cousin Canada’s Great National Anthem) O’ Canada—Your Maple colored banner stood tall in the sun, your brave soldiers have died at the side of every soldiering … Continue reading

Are Black folks without any internal agency to defend themselves against STEM learning skills exclusion, resegregation, and opportunity-denying (anti-DEI) evil efforts?


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Are Black folks without any internal agency to defend themselves against STEM learning skills exclusion, resegregation, and opportunity-denying (anti-DEI) evil efforts? We probably need to do something that professional educators are loath to do, and that is to lower expectations … Continue reading